Frequently Asked Questions
Am I required to submit my fringe benefit forms electronically?
No, this is simply a convenient option offered to you by the fund office.
What is the benefit to my company of using this new submission method?
Based on tests with a number of employers, they have found that the system saves their staff time, helps prevent computational errors, and ensures that there are no issues following a fringe benefit rate change.
Can payments be submitted electronically, along with fringe benefit forms?
You have the option to pay via ACH through the website or you may send a check. Please see website user manual for electronic payment instructions.
Is this transaction secure? Should I be concerned about the electronic transmission of my employee's social security number?
All transactions are encrypted, secure, and in compliance with all state privacy laws concerning electronic transmission of social security numbers.
How do I know if my payroll report is compatible with the file upload feature?
In the website user manual, you will find details on the file format required for uploading a contribution file. Microsoft Excel may be used to produce files in compatible formats.

The website user manual can be found at the “Employer Forms” link in the “Employer Information” tab of the website.
What dates should I enter as the “Work Start” and “Work End” dates?
Please enter the first day of the work month as the “Work Start” date and the last day of the work month as the “Work End” date. For example, for work performed in May, the “Work Start” day would be May 1st and the “Work End” day would be May 31st.
I just finalized a report and found an error. How do I delete this transaction once I’ve finalized?
If, after you’ve clicked the “finalize report” button and transmitted your electronic form, you realize a correction is needed, you will need to have the transaction voided. To do this, please call the fringe benefit office and give them the invoice number from the incorrect report so that the incorrect report can be voided and you may submit a corrected report.
Do I have to wait until an erroneous report is voided before I put a corrected one through?
No, you do not have to wait to submit a corrected report. If, however, you see any incorrect reports remaining after you have requested it be voided, please contact the benefit office.
On the paper reports, there was a way to indicate if this was my “final” report. I don’t see that on the electronic version. How should I notify the fund office that I will no longer be active in your jurisdiction?
On the fringe benefit summary screen you will see a section for comments. There you can type any important message you would like to include with your report and it will be communicated to the fund office.